Monday, February 16, 2009

Saint Valentines Day

Valentines Day has never been a big deal to me. And in the years since we got the kiddos, it's meant even less honestly. I've always been a big proponent of showing the folks that you love, said love, every day of the year rather than waiting for one particular day.

So on Thursday the 12th, around lunch time I got a package. It was kind of strange since most of the packages I get for work are run through the main office and don’t go directly to me. But I finished my lunch and opened it up and was shocked to find flowers. Not just flowers, but tulips (red and white), which are my favorite flower. I’ve never received flowers from Freddy. I am personally shocked that he knew that tulips are my favorite, it's not a subject that comes up often in our house. See, Freddy is a lot of things, but romantic isn’t a word I’d use to describe him. He’s loyal. He’s funny, hilarious even. He’s smart. He’s handy. He’s a fantastic co-parent. He’s totally adorable. But romantic? Not really. Which is fine, I am honestly not the most romantic guy myself. For example, in the 9 + years we’ve been dating we’ve only both at the same time remembered our anniversary twice? Maybe three times? Last year, we actually both missed it. It’s not that I don’t cherish the day. Well sometimes I do and sometimes I think “Christ, What ‘ave I done?” But it’s just a simple fact of knowing that I love him and he loves me. We both know it. It goes without saying pretty much. But then there are days like Thursday that shock me into thinking again, what a lucky SOB I am.

So the story doesn’t end there. His note doesn’t mention VD, it says “You are my sunshine 366 days a year. I love you more than soap. – (F)reddy.” Well for those of you who know him, soap isn’t like a huge deal for him. Just saying. But, that said, I was thrilled and more than a little bit happy with him. If he hadn’t been so busy with school and things I’d have booked a sitter on the spot and taken him out that night. The next day, I get ANOTHER package at lunch. This one in a smaller box, and it’s got cookies with cute schmaltzy VD-isms AND I get some chocolate covered strawberries. The note says "SHAZAM! I bet you weren't expecting this! - (F)reddy" My first thought is, “Christ, What has he done!” The practical queer in me thinking about the cost and the insecure maniac thinking he was sending me a "Dear Jed" letter, but the intelligent rational Jed pulled himself together and called and thanked him for the sweets. I got home as fast as I could that afternoon to be with the one(s) I love. The actual day was monopolized a bit by a trip to Galveston to see my wayward brother and my momma. But that kind of adds a bit to the luster of his performance. This man bought me flowers and sweets and then drove 4 hours to see in-laws (AND worked on her house the entire day). It's almost too sweet to type.

So VD was big this year. Me and the kids got him a coffee mug and some cashews and a Itunes gift card plus VD cards. Less romantic? Yes. But who knew he was pulling out the big guns? I guess I’ll have to be on my toes for next year.

My (F)reddy is a lot of things, I guess I'll have to put Romantic on the list now. Maybe I'll just put it in pencil though.


  1. that is too sweet! :) i think there's a little romantic inside all of us somewhere.;-)
